
Hello TrackRay Customers.

It is with our deep regret we have to inform you that after 16 years in business, TrackRay will be shutting down its services on October 31, 2024.
With fierce competition in our software service area and the proliferation of ad blockers, we are no longer able to sustain the business.
We thank you for your support over the past years and wish you the best in finding an alternative solution.

TrackRay Team

Integrated Task and Time Management

TrackRay can be used from three business perspectives:

  1. Task Tracking
  2. Time Tracking
  3. Combined Task and Time Tracking
The choice of the perspective/operating mode will depend on the needs of a particular business. It is selected by the account administrator and can be changed at any time. Task Management Perspective

Task Tracking

Using the Task Tracking mode, users can create a Task (job), set its priority, link a task to a Project or a Customer if applicable, make progress notes, specify effort hours, add workflow entries, assign to another user for further completion, edit, close and re-open the task. This mode is also known as Issue Tracking, Job Tracking, or Bug Tracking.

Time Tracking

Time Management Perspective Using the Time Tracking mode, users can create Time entries similar to the time sheet/time card, specify work title, description, effort hours spent, and link the Time Entry to a Project, Customer, or Activity if applicable.

Combined Task and Time Tracking

Using this mode, users can switch between Task and Time views on the program's Main Menu and work from either perspective.
To track worked hours, there is no need to enter data twice (i.e. once using Task assignment and second time in the Time entry).
Work hours entered by either method are automatically consolidated, allotted to the user and specified categories (such as Project or Customer) and reconciled for reporting.

For example:
During the day, user worked:
  • 4 hours on a Task assigned to him by the supervisor
    - Task Entry
  • 3 hours on routine product maintenance
    - Time Entry
As a result, a total of 7 work hours is reported for that day.

Most other task or time management software can be divided into either task management or time/time sheet entry categories. Even if both options are offered, data is often kept and reported separately.

With TrackRay, users can operate from the task assignment, timesheet entry or combined perspectives, depending on business needs.

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