
Hello TrackRay Customers.

It is with our deep regret we have to inform you that after 16 years in business, TrackRay will be shutting down its services on October 31, 2024.
With fierce competition in our software service area and the proliferation of ad blockers, we are no longer able to sustain the business.
We thank you for your support over the past years and wish you the best in finding an alternative solution.

TrackRay Team

Frequently Asked Questions

Time and Task Management Software FAQ Discussion

Q: Are there any limits on the number of users, tasks, time sheets, projects, or other entries I can create in my account?

A: No, there are no such explicit limits. You can create and manage as many users, tasks, or other entries as you wish - just be reasonable.

Q: I know there are tasks or time entries in my account, but I cannot see them in my list on the Main screen.

A: Check your Filter settings - You may have unintentionally limited visible entries in your list, for example, by specifying incorrect date range, project, or some other criteria.

Q: Can I install TrackRay on my server?

A: No. TrackRay is available only as a hosted (SAAS/software-as-a-service) solution.

Q: I have configured TrackRay to send me email notifications, but I do not receive them. What could be the problem?

A: Assuming your email address is entered correctly and an appropriate TrackRay configuration checkbox is set, the most common problem is your email spam filer setting.
Place domain on your Safe Sender list to avoid notifications being deleted or sent to the junk/bulk folder. If you use corporate email server, talk to your system administrator.

Q: How can I receive TrackRay's SMS/instant message notifications to my cell phone/mobile device?

A: You can configure TrackRay to send you an email/SMS notification when a Task has been assigned to you or if a Task you created has been closed.
Most mobile service providers offer an option to receive an instant message / SMS by sending an email to a designated email address containing your mobile phone number, usually something like Check with your mobile service provider for the exact email address format in your case.
Once you confirm that you can receive SMS/instant messages on your mobile phone by sending a regular email to that address, you can use it for TrackRay notifications.

Q: How secure is my data?

A: We recognize that data security and privacy are important to TrackRay customers.
Our data servers reside in a secure location, with physical access restricted to a limited number of authorized team members. All data is stored on reliable servers, with network infrastructure protected by security firewalls. Our system logs are monitored on a regular basis.
All customer data is periodically backed up and encrypted.
We do not use any of your content for any purpose except to provide you with the service. We do not sell, rent or share your account's data.

Q: How are you able to offer TrackRay as a free service?

A: First of all, we believe that at least some software or service should be available free of charge to the Internet community. Projects under the Open Source Foundation have similar goals.
Our corporate Professional account holders largely subsidize our free accounts. We will not force you to pay - you can use TrackRay for free as long as you wish. Unless your account becomes heavily used and outside what we can sustain as part of a free service, it will be supported by either advertising or upgrading to a Professional account - it's your choice.
We are also supported by donations.

Q: I like TrackRay. How can I help?

A: You can help in several ways:
1. We value constructive input - give us your feedback on how TrackRay can be improved.
2. Spread the word around - for example, you can mention us and provide a link to TrackRay on your website or blog.
3. Donations are greatly appreciated.
4. Consider upgrading to the Professional account.

Have questions or suggestions?
Please let us know.

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