
Hello TrackRay Customers.

It is with our deep regret we have to inform you that after 16 years in business, TrackRay will be shutting down its services on October 31, 2024.
With fierce competition in our software service area and the proliferation of ad blockers, we are no longer able to sustain the business.
We thank you for your support over the past years and wish you the best in finding an alternative solution.

TrackRay Team

TrackRay Features Overview

Task and Time Management Software Features
  • Easy to use - TrackRay is a lightweight application that takes a minimalist approach to task and time management.
    It has almost no learning curve, and anyone can start using it immediately. It does not force you into any particular way of doing your business.
  • Web based - TrackRay is completely web based. The members of your project team can collaborate from anywhere in the world, as long as they have Internet access and a web browser.
  • No software to install - TrackRay is a hosted web-based application (i.e., it is hosted for you "in the cloud"). There is no need to setup your server, configure a database, apply security patches, or perform system administration work.
  • Full mobile support - "on the go": All TrackRay features are available on either a desktop PC/MAC/Linux or a mobile platform, such as a cell phone, a smart phone, or other Internet-capable mobile device.
  • No Limitations - TrackRay will grow with you. There are no limits on the number of users, projects, tasks, workflow, or time sheet entries.
  • Task Tracking and Management - Creation of a task (job), setting its priority, linking the task to a Project or a Customer if applicable, assigning it to a user, adding multiple workflow entries, commenting, progress tracking, and more.
  • Time Entry - Users can record their worked hours in the form of entries similar to a time sheet or a time card. Time entries can be linked to Projects, Customers, or Activities for time and workload tracking purposes.
  • Operating Mode Selection - a choice of either:
    • Task Tracking Mode
    • Time Entry Mode or
    • Combined Mode where users can switch between two other modes and choose to work on either tasks or time entries, depending on the nature of their work and business requirements. Effort hours are automatically consolidated and allotted to appropriate Customers, Projects, Activities, etc.
  • Customization
    • Categories - Use predefined terms such as Projects, Products, Customers, Accounts, Locations... or create your own customized terms. Task and Time Entries can be linked/associated with these terms for reporting and data analysis purposes.
    • Time Periods - For convenience and data reporting purposes, select a typical time period (weekly, monthly) or define your own (for example, bi-weekly starting on Thursday).
  • Fully personalized MAIN View of the entries:
    • Select entries and individual fields you want to see by using a FILTER, or quickly switch between expanded and compact views
    • Set persisting filter/search criteria
    • Define multi-level sort order
    • Time sheet entries can be grouped by date
    • Quick switch between TASK and TIME Views (if both modes are configured)
  • Personalized color tagging of task and time entries - for highlighting the importance or making it stand out for any reason.
  • Visibility Control - Ability to mark entries as Private - those that are visible only to the administrator, entry originator and users in the workflow chain.
  • Attachments - ability to attach files (documents, PDFs, images, etc.) to task and time sheet entries.
  • Statistics - Quick view of top-level data, such as hours worked this week, most active users, overdue tasks, and high-load projects.
  • TrackRay Report Reports
    • Wide range of premade quick reports - including number of tasks assigned to each user, tasks or time entries created this week/month, tasks due this week/period/month, and last work on a project.
    • Custom Reports - generate reports based on your own criteria, including task status, priority, project, date range, and matching keywords.
    • Data Export - save data results of any report as TXT/ASCII, Excel/CSV, or XML file for further analysis using other software.
  • Email/SMS Notifications - automatically inform user about a task being assigned, changed or closed.
  • System Announcements - administrators can send account announcements to their users, with acknowledgement tracking and optional email copy.
  • User Levels - Regular User and Administrator. In addition to tasks that a regular user can perform, Administrator can:
    • Modify system settings
    • Define category terms, such as Projects, Customers, Activities, Locations, or any other.
    • Review Statistics
    • Generate Reports
    • Create other user accounts
  • Read-Only User Accounts that can be given to clients or other observers.
  • International date and time formats are supported.
  • Easy to evaluate - just log in to a Demo Account and look around.
  • FREE - can't beat the price.

Have other feature requests, ideas, or comments? Please let us know.

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